
Loving all the content so far and the fact you share what you've read that has helped you get things done. I'm trying to battle perfectionism and executive dysfunction, so if you have done any reading on that, please share!

Yours in trying to get into a balanced writing flow,


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The neuroscience of self love. I really loved this audiobook. Not exactly about executive functioning But.. it sure gave me more than a glimpse into the chemistry that happens in our body when we feel emotions. And the author, Alexis Fernandez-Preiksa I believe.....? Reads it. Well, whoever is reading it, has a bad ass Australian accent and it’s a really fun audio experience. :)

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Oooo thank you! I will check it out!

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heya Brenley. I study how people learn (that's what I do for a living :)) and Csikszentmihalyi is a great influence on my work. Flow happens when you are following your interests on a well-defined task - and it is critical for learning. You couldn't have done all the beautiful things you've done over the years without having discovered flow. :)

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Thanks Jodi! It really is so incredible when you find that space without friction. Feels like crawling into freshly laundered and hung on the line to dry, sheets. My mom always hung her sheets out on the line and oh how glorious.

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Keep the posts flowing! Content is perfect the way it’s been arriving here on Substack!! Go with flow - rather stay in flow ❤️

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Love you sister.

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