Don't feel pressured/obligated to post. We'll be here for you.

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Jan 29Liked by Brenley

Brenley, Thank you for making and sharing the video, hard as that must have been to do. As you have done so often for others, we support and care for you as you find a way through this time of compounded heartbreaking sorrow. That you are finding healing through making music again while being surrounded by the sweet, knowing solace of nature and those closest to you who give strength and meaning, is so hopeful. From your instagram stories, your parents rocked! in peace, music, healing, and community, sincerely, Jessie Jones, SB

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Thank you so much Jessie. I'm definitely taking in all the nature. Coyotes are howling outside my airstream door. Haunting and beautiful all at the same time. x

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p.s. i forgot to say that your comment in the video about listening to the body is so wise and so useful. as well, it is an important lesson in regard to the writing process. thanks.

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So sorry for your loss Brenley. I totally get the struggle you’re having at this time. I had a rough time like yourself when my father died. Mom died 3 years prior and I thought that was tough. But when dad passed it was a different experience. My first thought was , man, I’m an orphan at the age of 50. No more gab sessions and coffee visits with my Pops. Hang on to the memories kiddo. I only wish there were visiting hours in heaven.

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Thank you for sharing John. I miss FaceTiming with my mom while I cook and calling my dad when I have a woodworking question.

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Jan 29Liked by Brenley

Sorry for your loss Brenley

I guess it's a good thing that our bodies tell us what to do at times like this, because our head surely doesn't know what to do because it's all fuzzy and so full of different things that sometimes we don't know if we are coming or going. We're sad, mad, confused...all at the same time.

Sending you only positives vibes this week ❤️. Take care of yourself first.

On a lighter note...I just wanted to tell you that I've been listening to your older albums the past few weeks(Love them!). Worry The Jury and Caravan. I do have a question though...why is the song Worry the Jury on the Caravan album and not the album titled Worry the Jury?

I hope I made you smile 😄.

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Yes indeed, that made me smile. :) I'd forgotten that we did that. If my memory serves me well, I think we wrote the song Worry The Jury after we'd already finished recording the record. We thought it was a great album title but we were on a time crunch to get the album finished so the actual song didn't make the first record. Thanks for your message Darlene. x

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I'm so proud of you for listening to your body. I think under capitalism it's easy to valorize "pushing through," but that isn't healthy! So kudos to you for taking the time to do what feels right for your body and your heart. ❤️ Also yesterday I saw a u-haul with Utah on it and it made me think of you.

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Funny you should mention Utah. I've been missing singing that song so I'm making a promise to myself to play it today. ;)

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Jan 28Liked by Brenley

Wow - that is a lot. Losing parents is tough and to have that one-two punch is just unfair. But that is how life is. I know you know that. Take your time to heal, because that is what you must do....and when it is your time this will all come out in the beautiful music you put out in the world....because that is what you do. Lots of love coming your way from Nova Scotia.

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Thank you Jodi. Sending love back to NS. x

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B - I hope you’ve taken a minute to note the level of bravery to articulately and beautifully share this ‘non sharing’. Funny how sometimes our art has a way of getting us to do just what we wanted and needed and we may not even notice it.

Sending you love and healing. Your father must have been a great man, you can see it in your eyes. I’m so sorry for your loss.

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Thank you Mona. I'm sitting here in a cafe working on a new track. The music felt like it completely stopped for the last few months but somehow this week, it's come back to me and it feels really good. You are so right... art does just find us. x

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Jan 28Liked by Brenley

Take all the time that you need to be ready to share. We‘ll be here, whenever that is. Sending an enormous hug your way. Xoxo

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thank you good friend. x

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Jan 28Liked by Brenley

Brenley, wishing you strength and healing. Being along on your journey all these years, I’m confident that each day will bring you closer to a place of peace.


P.S. I was once your roadie, for a very short time, when you played the Waterdown music festival in 2018 and they had directed you to the wrong stage.

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Thank you Mark. I remember that festival. I found a photo that was taken there of me and perhaps the host? We were basically wearing the same outfit. ;)

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